Atc Slot Delay Codes

The Delay Attribution Guide contains a list of delay attribution codes and reasons. The same codes are used in Train Cancellation messages sent on the Train Movements feed.

IATA Delay Codes - Delay Codes Starting With 8 (air Traffic Control) Delay Codes Starting With 8 (air Traffic Control) These Codes are used for Air Traffic Control (ATC) Restrictions (81-84) and Airport or Governmental Authorities caused delays. 81: ATC restriction en-route or capacity. FAA assigned take‐off slot due to en route wind conditions, route changes, or spacing requirements. Delays due to a missedslot, charge it to root cause. XB ‐Local Tower ATC: Delay holding for ATC or runway clearance which is withheld by the local FAA or OA tower. Flight crew will be notified.

The codes in use as of September 2020 are listed here for reference.

Codes are grouped in to several sections:

  • A* - Freight Terminal Operations Causes
  • D* - Holding Codes
  • F* - Freight Operating Causes
  • I* and J* - Infrastructure causes
  • M* and N* - Mechanical or Fleet Engineer Causes
  • O* - Network Rail Operating causes
  • P* - Planned or excluded delays or cancellations
  • Q* - Network Rail Non-Operating causes
  • R* - Station Operating Causes
  • T* - Passenger Operating causes
  • V* - External events – TOC Responsibility
  • X* - External events - Network Rail
  • Y* - Reactionary Delays
  • Z* - Unexplained delays and cancellations

Atc Slot Delay Codes Code

AAWaiting acceptance into off Network Rail network Terminal or YardACCEPTANCE
ACWaiting train preparation or completion of TOPS list/RT3973TRAIN PREP
ADOff Network Rail network Terminal or Yard staff shortage including reactionary congestion caused by the shortageWTG STAFF
AECongestion in off Network Rail network Terminal or YardCONGESTION
AGWagon load incident including adjusting loads or open doorLOAD INCDT
AHCustomer or off Network Rail network yard equipment breakdown/reduced capacityYARD EQUIP
AJWaiting Customer's traffic including release information and documentationTRAF DOC
AKSafety incidents and mishaps (e.g. derailments, fire or chemical spill) in off Network Rail network freight yard or terminal (including private sidings, and stations – where it affects FOC services)YARDSAFETY
AXFailure of off network infrastructure (FOC or private)OFFNET INF
AZOther Freight Operating Company cause, to be specified, in off Network Rail network terminals or yardsYARD OTHER
DANon Technical Fleet Holding CodeHOLD NT FL
DBTrain Operations Holding CodeHOLD T-OPS
DCTrain Crew Causes Holding CodeHOLD T-CRW
DDTechnical Fleet Holding CodeHOLD T FL
DEStation Causes Holding CodeHOLD STN
DFExternal Causes Holding CodeHOLD EXT
DGFreight Terminal and or Yard Holding CodeHOLD YARD
DHAdhesion and or Autumn Holding CodeHOLD AUTM
FADangerous goods incidentDANG GOODS
FCFreight Train Driver error, SPAD, Wrong routing or Missed AWS/DSDFOC DRIVER
FETrain crew not available including after restNO T-CREW
FFFOC Diagramming or Rostering issueFOC DIAG
FGDriver adhering to company professional driving standards or policyPRO DRIVER
FHFOC Planning issue (not diagramming or rostering)FOC PLAN
FIDelay due to incorrect ETCS system or equipment operation by DriverETCS DVR
FJFOC Control decision or directiveFOC CONTRL
FKTrain diverted or re-routed at FOC requestDIVERT REQ
FLTrain cancelled at FOC request or planned not to runCANCEL REQ
FMTail lamp or head lamp out or incorrectly shownLAMP ISSUE
FOTime lost en-route believed to be Operator cause and information required from Operator (Ops Responsibility)LIR UNEX
FSDelay due to ETCS/ ERTMS on-board overriding driver commandETCS O-RDE
FWLate start or yard overtime not explained by Train OperatorLATE START
FXFreight train running at lower class or speed than planned classification or overweightTRAIN SPEC
FZOther FOC causes incl. cause to be specified, including mishaps.FOC OTHER
IASignal failure (including no fault found)SIGNAL FLR
IBPoints failure (including no fault found)POINTS FLR
ICTrack circuit failure (including no fault found)TC FAILURE
IDLevel crossing faults and failure incl. barrow/foot crossings and crossing treadlesLEVEL XING
IESignalling functional power supply failureSIG FUNC PWR
IFTrain Describer/Panel/ARS/SSI/TDM/Remote Control failurePANEL FLR
IGBlock failureBLOCK FLR
IHPower supply and distribution system failurePWR SUP DIS
IISignalling lineside cable faultSIG CABLE
IJAWS/ATP/TPWS/Train Stop/On-track equipment failureAWS/ATP
IKTelecom equipment failure (including no fault found)TELECOMS
ILToken equipment failure (including no fault found)TOKEN FLR
IMInfrastructure Balise Failure (TASS / ETCS / ERTMS)BALISE FLR
INHABD/Panchex/WILD/Wheelchex fault, failure or mis-detectionHABD FAULT
IPPoints failure caused by snow or frost where heaters are fitted but found to be not turned on, not operative or defectivePOINT HEAT
IQTrackside sign blown down, fallen over, missing, defective, mis-placedTRACK SIGN
IRBroken/cracked/twisted/buckled/flawed railRAIL FLAW
ISTrack defects (other than rail defects) inc. fish plates, wet beds etc.TRACK FLT
ITRough ride or bumps reported - cause not known or no fault foundTRACK NFF
IVCutting or embankment earthslip, rock fall or subsidence (not the result of severe weather on the day of failure)EARTHSLIP
IWNon severe weather - snow/ice/frost affecting infrastructure equipmentINF WEATHR
I0Telecom equipment legacy radio failure (RETB)RETB FLR
I1Overhead line/3rd rail defectOHL/3 RAIL
I2AC/DC trip (including no fault or cause found)AC/DC TRIP
I4OHLE/3rd rail power supply failure or reductionSUPPLY FLR
I5Possession over-run from planned workOVERRUN
I6Delays as a result of line blocks / track patrols (including late handback)LINE BLOCK
I7Engineer's train late into, from or failed in possessionENGNRS TRN
I8Animal Strike or Incursion within the control of Network RailANIMAL
I9Fires starting on Network Rail InfrastructureINFRA FIRE
JATSR speed restrictions for track work outside of the Timetable Planning RulesTSRNOT EAS
JBReactionary Delay to ‘P’ coded TSRTSR REACTN
JDStructures - Bridges/tunnels/buildings/retaining walls/sea defences (not bridge strikes)STRUCTURES
JFOff track asset defects or issues on the Network Rail network including fencing, gates, walkways, lighting (not due to vandalism or weather or where the asset is part of the station infrastructure)OFFTRK ASS
JGESR/TSR due to works not completed or cancelled possession (where restriction did not exist prior to possession)ESR/TSR
JHCritical Rail Temperature speeds, (other than buckled rails)HEAT SPEED
JKFlooding not due to exceptional weatherFLOODING
JLSafety related incident caused by maintenance or infrastructure staff oversight or error (not Operations staff)SAFETY INF
JPFailure to maintain vegetation within network boundaries in accordance with prevailing Network Rail standards, including where signals areobscured and a train strikes branches.VEGETATION
JRDelay due to RBC issues affecting ETCS / ATO operation (not balise related)RBC ETCS
JSCondition of Track TSR outside the Timetable Planning RulesTRACK COND
JTPoints failure caused by snow or frost where heaters are not fitted.NO PNT HTR
JXMiscellaneous items (including litter) causing obstructions, not the result of trespass, vandalism, weather or fallen/thrown from trainsMISC OBJCT
J0Telecom equipment radio failure (GSM-R)GSM-R FLR
J2Network Rail train dispatch equipment failure (including no fault found but excluding telecoms equipment)TRTS FLR
J3Axle Counter FailureAXLE C FLR
J4Infrastructure Safety Issue Reported by Member of the Public – No Fault FoundMOP NFF
J5Infrastructure Asset Fault Reported but Proven to be mistakenMIS REPORT
J6Lightning strike against unprotected assetsLIGHTNING
J7ETCS/ ERTMS Equipment Failure (excluding communications link and balises)ETCS FLR
J8Damage to infrastructure caused by on-track machine whilst operating in a possessionOTM DAMAGE
J9Preventative Maintenance to the infrastructure in response to a Remote Condition Monitoring AlertRCM ALERT
MBElectric loco failure, defect, attention.ELEC LOCO
MCDiesel loco failure, defect, attention.DIESL LOCO
MDOther technical failures below the solebarBELOW SBAR
MESteam locomotive failure/defect/attentionSTEAM LOCO
MLWagons, coaches and parcel vehicle faultsWAGN/COACH
MNBrake and brake systemsfaults; including wheel flats where no other cause had been identifiedBRAKE/WHLS
MPRail/ wheel interface, adhesion problems (including ice on the running rail)ADHESION
MRSanders and scrubber faultsSANDER
MSPlanned underpowered or shortformed service and or vehicle, incl. exam set swapsALOC STOCK
MTConfirmed train borne safety system faults (not cab based)SYST FAULT
MUDepot operating problemDEPOT OPS
MVEngineer’s on-track equipment failure outside possessionON-TRACK
MWWeather - effect on T&RS equipmentWEATHR FLT
MYCoupler and Coupler system faultsCOUPLER
M1Confirmed Pantograph ADD, shoe beam or associated system faults Incl. positive PANCHEX activationsPANTO/SHOE
M2Delay due to ATO / ETCS equipmentETCS
M7Door and Door system faultsDOORS
M8Other technical failures above the SolebarABOVE SBAR
M9Reported fleet equipment defect - no fault foundFLEET NFF
M0Confirmed train cab based safety system fault (including GSM-R)CAB SAFETY
OARegulation decision made with best endeavoursENDVR REG
OBDelayed by signaller not applying applicable regulating policyREGULATION
OCSignaller including mis-routing (not ERTM /ETCS related)SIGNALLER
ODDelayed as a result of Route Control decision or directiveNR CONTROL
OEFailure to lay Sandite or operate Railhead Conditioning train as programmedRHC PROG
OFDelay due to incorrect ETCS system or equipment operation by Signaller / ControllerETCS CTRL
OGIce on conductor rail/OHLEICING
OHARS / TMS / SARS software problem (excluding scheduling issues and technical failures)ARS / TMS
OJFire in station building or on platform, affecting operators not booked to call at that stationSTN FIRE
OKDelay caused by Operating staff oversight, issues or absence (excluding signallers and Control)OPTG STAFF
OLSignal Box not open during booked hoursBOX CLOSED
OMTechnical failure associated with a Railhead Conditioning trainRHC FAIL
ONDelays not properly investigated by Network RailMIS-INVEST
OQIncorrect Simplifier (where produced by Ops staff)SIMPLIFIER
OSLate start or delays to Railhead Conditioning (RHC) or Ghost Train due to its own activity and not in reaction to another incident.RHC LATE
OTOperational Safety TSR implemented for sighting issues relating to foot crossings, level crossings or signals (Not vegetation caused)SIGHT TSR
OUDelays not investigated by Network RailNOT INVEST
OVFire or evacuation due to fire alarm of Network Rail buildings other than stations not due to vandalismNR FIRE
OWConnections held where the Prime Incident causing delay to the incoming train is a FOC responsibility incident and the next departing service is scheduled to depart less than 60 minutes later than the train being held.FOC CONECT
OZOther Network Rail Operating causesOPTG OTHER
PAPublished TSR associated with Planned Engineering Works where time loss is within Engineering AllowancePLANND ENG
PBPublished TSR due to condition of asset (not associated with Engineering Work) where time loss is within Engineering AllowancePLANND CON
PDSystem generated cancellation (NOT to be attributed to manually)SYSTM CANC
PFPlanned engineering work where a published diversion/SLW is not provided for in the schedule but where time loss is within Engineering AllowanceDIVRSN SLW
PGPlanned cancellation where that cancellation isidentified and agreed prior to 22.00 the day before the schedule runsPLAND CAPE
PJCancellation of a duplicate or erroneous schedule or an identified duplicate, false or erroneous delay (NOT berth off set related)DUPLICATE
PLExclusion commercially agreed and documented between Network Rail and Train OperatorAGREED EXC
PNVSTP service delays of under 5 minutes caused by regulation and or time lost in running (VSTP Schedule delay ONLY where that delay causes no reactionary delay)VSTP DELAY
PTAuthorised TRUST reporting anomalies or inaccuraciesrelating to berth off setsTRUST ANOM
QAWTT Schedule and or LTP process including incorrect simplifiers (where produced by Capacity Planning).WTT SCHED
QBPlanned engineering work- diversion/SLW not timetabled (outside the Timetable Planning Rules.)DIVRSN/SLW
QHAdhesion problems due to leaf contaminationRAILCONTAM
QICautioning due to railhead leaf contaminationCAUTCONTAM
QJSpecial working for leaf-fall track circuit operationLEAVES T/C
QMTrain Schedule VAR/STP process including incorrect simplifiers (where produced by Capacity Planning).STP SCHED
QNVSTP schedule / VSTP process (TSI created schedule)VSTP SCHED
QPReactionary Delay to “P” coded PossessionPLND REACT
QTDelay accepted by Network Rail as part of a commercial agreement where no substantive delay reason is identifiedCOMMERCIAL
RBPassengers joining/alightingPASSENGERS
RCPre-booked assistance for a person with reduced mobility joining/alightingBKD ASSIST
RELift/escalator defect/failureLIFT/ESC
RHStation evacuated due to fire alarmFIRE ALARM
RIWaiting connections - not authorised by TOC ControlUNAUTH CON
RJSpecial Stop Orders - not authorised by TOC ControlUNAUTH SSO
RKWaiting passenger connections authorised by TOC but out with TOC/Network Rail connection policyAUTH CON
RLSpecial Stop Orders authorised by TOC Control (including any delay at point of issue)AUTH SSO
RMWaiting connections from other transport modesXTNL CONN
ROPassengers taken ill on platformPASS ILL
RPPassenger dropped object whilst boarding/alighting from train and train delayed at TOC requestPASS DROP
RQUn-booked assistance for a person with reduced mobility joining/alightingUBKD ASST
RRLoading or unloading reserved bicyclesBIKE RSVD
RSLoading or unloading unreserved bicyclesBIKE URSVD
RTLoading excessive luggageEXCES LUGG
RULocating lost luggageLOST LUGG
RVCustomer Information System failurePASS INFO
RWStation flooding (including issues with drains) not the result of weather, where the water has not emanated from Network Rail maintained infrastructure/networkSTN FLOOD
RXStation delays as a result of overcrowding due to unplanned events or incidents (e.g result of line or station closure) where causal event is not determined.UNPL EVENT
RYMishap - Station operating causesSTN MISHAP
RZOther Station operating causesSTN OTHER
R1Incorrect train dispatch by station staffDISPATCH
R2Late TRTS given by station staffLATE TRTS
R3Station staff unavailable - missing or uncoveredSTAFF MSNG
R4Station staff split responsibility - unable to cover all dutiesSTAFF DUTY
R5Station staff error - e.g. wrong announcements, misdirectionSTAFF ERR
R7Station delays as a result of overcrowding due to planned events(e.g.sports fixtures, concerts)PLND EVENT
R8Delay at Station believed to be Operator cause and information required from Operator (Station Responsibility)STN UNEX
TATrain-crew/loco/stock/unit diagram issuesDIAG ISSUE
TBTrain cancelled or delayed at Train Operator’s requestTOC REQEST
TFSeat reservation problemsSEAT RESVN
TH(Senior) Conductor/Train ManagerT-MGR/COND
TITrain-crew rostering problemROSTERING
TJTail lamp or headlamp missing, not lit or wrongly displayedLAMP ISSUE
TKTrain catering staff (including Contractors)CATERING
TMConnection authorised by TOC but out with connection policyAUTH CONN
TNLate presentation from the continentLATE CHUNL
TOTime lost en-route believed to be Operator cause and information required from Operator (Ops Responsibility)LIR UNEX
TPSpecial Stop OrdersAUTH SSO
TRTrain Operating Company DirectiveTOC DIRECT
TSDelay due to incorrect ETCS system or equipment operation by DriverETCS DVR
TTAutumn-attribution Neutral Zone delays (See Supplementary Autumn Attribution Guidance)LF NEUTRAL
TWDriver adhering to company professional driving standards or policyPRO DRIVER
TXDelays incurred on non-Network Rail running lines or networks including London Underground (except fleet related delays)OTH NETWK
TYMishap-Train Operating Company causeTOC MISHAP
TZOther Passenger Train Operating Company causesTOC OTHER
T2Delay at unstaffed station to non-DOO trainNONDOO STN
T3Waiting connections from other transport modesXTNL CONN
T4Loading Supplies (including catering)SUPPLIES
T8Delay at Station believed to be Operator cause and information required from Operator ( Ops Responsibility)STN UNEX
VADisorder, drunks or trespassDISORDER
VBVandalism and or theftVANDALISM
VCFatalities and or injuries sustained whilst on a platform as the result of being struck by a train or falling from a trainFATALITIES
VDPassenger taken ill on trainILL PASS
VETicket irregularities or refusals to payTICKET IRR
VFFire caused by vandalismVANDL FIRE
VGPolice searching trainPOLICE-TRN
VHPassenger Communication cord, door egress or emergency train alarm operatedPASS COMM
VISecurity alert affecting stations and depotsSEC ALERT
VRDriver adhering to company professional driving standards or policies during severe weather conditions that are not fleet relatedPRO DRIVER
VWSevere weather affecting passenger fleet equipment including following company standards/policies or Rule Book instructionsSEV WEATHR
VXExternal events occurring on the LUL or other non NR running linesLUL CAUSES
VZOther passenger or external causes the responsibility of TOCEXT OTHER
V8Train striking or being struck by a birdBIRDSTRIKE
XATrespass (Including non-intentional)TRESPASS
XBVandalism or theft (including the placing of objects on the line)VANDALS
XCFatalities or injuries caused by being hit by train (Including non-intentional)FATALITIES
XDLevel Crossing Incidents including misuse and emergency services being prioritised over rail services.XING INCDT
XFPolice searching the linePOLICE-RLY
XHSevere heat affecting infrastructure the responsibility of Network Rail (excluding Heat related speed restrictions)SEV HEAT
XISecurity alert affecting the Network Rail Network (including line blocks taken for emergency services attending an off Network Rail network incident)SEC ALERT
XKExternal Power Supply Failure Network Rail InfrastructureEXTL POWER
XLFire external to but directly affecting the Network Rail network (including line blocks taken for emergency services attending an incident not directly affecting the Network Rail network)EXTL FIRES
XMGas/water mains/overhead power linesGAS/WATER
XNRoad related - excl bridge strikes/level crossing incidentROAD INCDT
XOExternal trees, building or structures encroaching or falling onto Network Rail network infrastructure (not due to weather or vandalism) also including aircraft and airport safety or operational related incidents.EXT OBJECT
XQSwing bridge open for river or canal trafficBRIDGE OPN
XRCable vandalism or theftCABLE VAND
XTSevere snow or ice affecting infrastructure which is the responsibility of Network Rail (including implementation of Key Route Strategy)SEV SNOW
XUSunlight on signal or dispatch equipment where all reasonable mitigation has been takenSUN OBSCUR
XVFire or evacuation due to fire alarm of Network Rail buildings due to vandalism (not including stations)VANDL FIRE
XWHigh winds affecting infrastructure the responsibility of Network Rail including objects on the line due to the effect of weatherHIGH WIND
X1Visibility in semaphore signalled areas, orspecial working for fog and falling snow implemented by Network Rail – in all signalling areas (including special working for level crossing visibility)SPL WRKING
X2Severe flooding beyond that which could be mitigated on Network Rail infrastructureSEV FLOOD
X3Lightning Strike – damage to protected systems.LIGHTNING
X4Blanket speed restriction or Key Route Strategy implemented for extreme heat or high winds (not snow) in accordance with the Group StandardsKRS / BLKT
X8Animal Strike or incursion not within the control of Network RailEXT ANIMAL
X9Points failure caused by severe snow or ice where heaters are fitted and working as designedPNTS SNOW
YALost path - regulated for train running less lateREG-ONTIME
YBLost path - regulated for another later running trainREG-LATE
YCLost path - following train running less lateFOL-ONTIME
YDLost path - following another later running trainFOL-LATE
YEWaiting path onto/from single lineWTG S/LINE
YGRegulated in accordance with Regulation PolicyREG INSTRC
YILate arrival of booked inward stock (inward and outward trains are operated under the same Track Access Contract)INWD STOCK
YJLate arrival of booked inward train-crew (where the inward and outward trains worked by that train-crew are operated under the same Track Access Contract)INWD CREW
YLWaiting passenger connections within connections policy, contingency plan or otherwise agreed by NR/TOCAUTHSD CON
YMSpecial stop orders within the contingency plan or agreed by NR/TOCAUTHSD SSO
YNService Recovery- booked train crew, not availableFIND CREW
YOWaiting platform/station congestion/platform alterationPLATFORM
YPDelays due to diversions from booked route or lineDIVERSION
YQPassenger overcrowding caused by a train being of short-formationSHRT FRMD
YRTactical cancellation for service recovery not caused by late runningSR CNCL
YUService Recovery- booked rolling stock, not availableUNIT SWAPS
YTReactionary delay to a train that is not leaving the network, by a train that is leaving the networkNON NR INF
YXPassenger overcrowding caused by delay or cancellation of another train or its own late runningOVER CRWD
ZSNo cause ascertainable for a Sub Threshold Delay causing Threshold Reactionary (where agreed by both Parties)NOCAUSE AS
ZUNo Cause Identified After Full Investigation by Both Parties (A ‘Full Investigation’ will be one including all avenues of investigation agreed as reasonable by both Parties)NOCAUSE ID
ZWUninvestigated Cancellations System Roll-Ups onlySYS CANC
ZXUninvestigated Late Start System Roll-Ups onlySYS L-STRT
ZYUninvestigated Station Overtime System Roll-Up onlySYS OTIME
ZZUninvestigated Loss in Running System Roll-Up onlySYS LIR

Network Rail Open Data Feeds
Data Feeds About the Feeds • Account States • Durable Subscriptions • Example Code ( PHP / C# / Java / Ruby / Node.js) • Advanced Uses • FAQ • Release Notes
Train Movements Train Movements Feed • Train Activation • Train Cancellation • Train Movement • Train Reinstatement • Change of Origin • Change of Identity • Change of Location • TSPEED Field • Planned Cancellations • Cancellation Codes
TD TD Feed • C-Class Messages • S-Class Messages • Train Describers • TD Berths
TSR TSR Feed • Route Codes
SCHEDULE SCHEDULE Feed • Schedule and Location Records • Association Records • CIF Codes • How Scheduling Works • Allowances
Reference Data Reference Data Feed • TOC Codes • CIF Codes • Delay Attribution Codes • Identifying Locations (STANOX, TIPLOC, NLC and 3-Alpha Codes) • STANOX Geographical Areas • Train Planning data
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Is Manual Machining Faster than CNC for Simple Parts?

CNCCookbook’s G-Code Tutorial

G-Code Tool Changes

Most CNC g-code programs will have one or more g-code tool changes programmed into them. This will be true even if your machine doesn’t have an automatic tool changer. That’s because the tool change programming serves two purposes. First, in the case of a machine with an automatic tool changer (ATC), the tool changing g-codes tell the ATC to load a particular tool in the spindle or, in the case of a lathe, to rotate that tool into position on the lathe’s turret. The second role of these codes is to set up a different tool length offset. The tool length offset tells the CNC machine how much the length of the current tool differs from tool #1. It will adjust its notion of where the tool tip is when you make your next move based on this.


Accomplishing these two functions can require anywhere from one to several g-codes. Let’s go through each possible g-code and it’s style of use.


T Tool Select and M06 Tool Change

The “T” word is commonly used to select a tool. On a VMC with ATC, usually the “T” word tells the mill to select that tool, but it requires the M06 word to be executed before the tool is actually changed. This gives the ATC a little bit of advanced warning, allowing it to rotate the new tool into position while the machine is busy doing something else, which can make for a faster tool change. On most lathes, and even for some mills, the M06 is not needed. On those machines, it is likely an error to use an M06.

Sample tool change using T + M06

N10 T12 ( Select Tool #12 )

N20 M06 ( Change to selected tool )

If the machine doesn’t use M06, the sample would look like this:

N10 T12

If you wanted to take advantage of the separate T and M06 to give your machine maximum time to get ready in order to make the tool change faster, you’d do something like this:




(Machining with T12 in spindle, but T14 is ready for next M06)


(Now T14 is loaded)

Atc Slot Delay Codes Ro Ghoul

T02 (Setting up T02 for later)

(Machining with T14)


(Now T02 is in spindle)

( etc. )

Random Memory Tool Selection

Atc Slot Delay Codes

One trick some machines use to make tool changes go even faster is to set it up so tools don’t have to go back into a particular pocket on the changer. Instead, the machine just sticks the tool in the nearest pocket so it doesn’t have to take so long to rotate a pocket into position. The machine keeps track of which slot T02 is actually in, for example, and you can always refer to it as “T02”
no matter what slot it winds up in.

Tool Offsets: Geometry and Wear Offsets

Now what about that business of selecting a Tool Offset so the machine knows how long the tool is?

First thing to note is that there are actually 2 different length offsets–the Geometry Offset and the Wear Offset. The Geometry offset is associated with each tool by number and is the one that grossly determines tool length. The Wear Offset is a fine tuning change to the overall tool length that is used to compensate for wear and to give the machinist the ability to fine tune what’s happening from part to part. For example, you may be turning a part to diameter and discover that after measuring the diameter with a micrometer it is slightly off. Perhaps it is 0.0013″ too large. To correct, you can enter a wear offset of -0.0013 to cause the machine to come out much closer to the desired tolerance.

Let’s ignore the Wear Offset for the moment. When you do your tool change, your machine controller will automatically apply the Geometry Offset based on the information contained in its tool table about each tool.

Fanuc-Style Combined Tool Number and Offset for Turning

Now that we know about these offsets, let’s take a look at specifying a toolchange on a lathe using Fanuc’s syntax. It’s pretty simple. To select tool #2, we’d use:

Atc Slot Delay Codes Redeem


“Why is the “02” repeated twice?” you wonder. That second “02” can be any 2-digits, and it selects the wear offset to use. By convention, most programs make the wear offset the same as the tool number so you don’t have to worry about matching them up.

G-Wizard Editor/Simulator Tool Change and Offset Post Options

This is all pretty simple to set up in the G-Wizard Editor / Simulator’s Post Options:

You have the ability to specify the range of T#’s as well as how many digits at the end of the T# are used to specify the offset.



1. Get out your CNC controller manual and set up GWE to match your control’s way of doing Tool Changes.

2. Write a sample g-code program containing a tool change and verify during GWE playback that the tool was changed.

Atc Slot Delay Codes 2020

Atc Slot Delay Codes

3. For some extra credit, check out our 2-part article on Tool Data Management and start thinking about how you will manage your tool data.

Next Article: Basic CNC Lathe Programming

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