Diszi Priest Best In Slot
This guide was written by Buythelight and Mitzki, both priest mains in Method.
- Disc Priest Best In Slot
- Best In Slot Disc Priest 8.2
- Disc Priest Best In Slot Classic
- Disc Priest Pvp Best In Slot
Buythelight has been a priest main since starting playing World of Warcraft in Warlords of Draenor, prior to the rework that would become the current iteration of Discipline, he has played Discipline since the Tomb of Sargeras mini-rework
Pre-Raid Best in Slot (BiS) List for Holy and Discipline Priests In order to prepare your Priest healer for raiding, you will need to collect gear from pre-raid activities, such as dungeons. The page below shows the best-in-slot for Priest healers without any raid loot available to them. You will be able to review these settings Disc Priest Bfa Best In Slot should your occupation and amount change. You can change or remove your loss limit. The change will automatically take place after a period of 7 days. If you want to decrease your limit, the change will take place with Disc Priest Bfa Best In Slot immediate effect.
Mitzki has been maining Discipline priest ever since she started raiding Mythic in Emerald Nightmare. In 2017 she applied for a raid spot in the guild that would become Reason and later took the role as healing officer in Battle of Dazar’Alor.
- Discipline can cover almost any kind of burst damage and are very adaptable to the encounter, they have options that allow them to burst heal every 45s, 60s and 90s.
- Discipline brings a lot of passive damage for a healer, which helps on tight damage encounters.
- Discipline brings really strong damage reduction and shielding to negate what could have been lethal attacks.
- Discipline priest has a very proactive playstyle and has limited raid-wide emergency heals in comparison to other healing specialisations.
- Discipline is also a very hard specialisation to master. There is almost always something you can do better and mistakes are very punishing in terms of healing throughput.
Disc Priest Best In Slot
What has changed
Disc Priest Shadowlands changes
- Smite - has lost its absorb effect.
- Mindblast - has been added to the baseline toolkit for disc. It has a high mana cost, with a decent damage event and an absorb effect.
- Spirit shell - New level 50 talent. Very potent ability currently and will be covered in depth later on.
- Shadow covenant - Reworked, it still has its initial heal, but lost the healing absorb. Shadow Covenant now locks you out of holy abilities instead, and increases your shadow damage done.
- Mind sear - This new baseline toolkit for Discipline gives you a good AoE damage option if your mana can afford it. Important to know is that atonement only heals off the first target hit.
- Power Infusion - A powerful haste buff that can be cast on either yourself or a friendly target.
- Shadow Word: Death - A powerful ability during execute, but with a backlash. It does no atonement healing, but it can be a great help to push some additional damage when there is nothing else to do.
- The Discipline priest playstyle in raid is overall very similar to how it was played in BFA. You just have a few new buttons to press after ramping up to maximize atonement healing.
- In the last few days, Disc priest has seen a 6% decrease in damage done overall, with another 10% taken off Mindgames, putting its spellpower value around 250%. Gameplay-wise, nothing changes; disc is still very strong.
This guide was written by Buythelight and Mitzki, both priest mains in Method.
Buythelight has been a priest main since starting playing World of Warcraft in Warlords of Draenor, prior to the rework that would become the current iteration of Discipline, he has played Discipline since the Tomb of Sargeras mini-rework

Mitzki has been maining Discipline priest ever since she started raiding Mythic in Emerald Nightmare. In 2017 she applied for a raid spot in the guild that would become Reason and later took the role as healing officer in Battle of Dazar’Alor.
- Discipline can cover almost any kind of burst damage and are very adaptable to the encounter, they have options that allow them to burst heal every 45s, 60s and 90s.
- Discipline brings a lot of passive damage for a healer, which helps on tight damage encounters.
- Discipline brings really strong damage reduction and shielding to negate what could have been lethal attacks.
Best In Slot Disc Priest 8.2

Disc Priest Best In Slot Classic
- Discipline priest has a very proactive playstyle and has limited raid-wide emergency heals in comparison to other healing specialisations.
- Discipline is also a very hard specialisation to master. There is almost always something you can do better and mistakes are very punishing in terms of healing throughput.
What has changed
Disc Priest Shadowlands changes
Disc Priest Pvp Best In Slot
- Smite - has lost its absorb effect.
- Mindblast - has been added to the baseline toolkit for disc. It has a high mana cost, with a decent damage event and an absorb effect.
- Spirit shell - New level 50 talent. Very potent ability currently and will be covered in depth later on.
- Shadow covenant - Reworked, it still has its initial heal, but lost the healing absorb. Shadow Covenant now locks you out of holy abilities instead, and increases your shadow damage done.
- Mind sear - This new baseline toolkit for Discipline gives you a good AoE damage option if your mana can afford it. Important to know is that atonement only heals off the first target hit.
- Power Infusion - A powerful haste buff that can be cast on either yourself or a friendly target.
- Shadow Word: Death - A powerful ability during execute, but with a backlash. It does no atonement healing, but it can be a great help to push some additional damage when there is nothing else to do.
- The Discipline priest playstyle in raid is overall very similar to how it was played in BFA. You just have a few new buttons to press after ramping up to maximize atonement healing.
- In the last few days, Disc priest has seen a 6% decrease in damage done overall, with another 10% taken off Mindgames, putting its spellpower value around 250%. Gameplay-wise, nothing changes; disc is still very strong.