Eu4 Diplomatic Relations Slot
- Eu4 Diplomatic Relations Slots
- Eu4 Diplomatic Relations Slot Definition
- Eu4 Diplomatic Relations Slot Machine
- Eu4 Diplomatic Relations Slot Strategy
I'd say the five diplomatic relations are enough and going above the limit early on is unwise. As far as unlawful territory is concerned: keep in mind that you cab only demand 1 province at a time and given the hit your relations take you will get only 1 acceptance. Europa Universalis IV. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. Increases your base diplomatic relations slots to 10. Friendly status or being allied gives +10, relations give up to +20 and each point of diplomatic reputation give +3. Defend the Empire The Emperor receives a call to arms when outside powers declare war on a prince of the empire, or members declare war on each other without a casus belli. Base diplomatic relations limit is doubled, as well as most relations bonuses, so everyone can now engage in interesting diplomacy instead of saving their every last precious slots for necessary vassals and one blob ally, with nothing left over.
EU4 console commands deliver a whole new world of possibilities to play with. You can use them to get extra money, manpower, sailors, military power, control the AI or the environment, and so much more.
All you need to know is which keywords/commands to use and that’s about it. So, with that being said, let’s take a look at some of the most useful and fun commands that one can use on EU4.
How to Enable the Console on EU4
Some games require you to activate the console first or you won’t be able to use it. Thankfully, EU4 has it enabled by default.
So, all you need to do is jump into the game and use the “~” button to open the console and insert the command of your choice.
If that doesn’t work, you can also try using @ or “. Still nothing? Then there is also Shift + 2, Shift + 3, and ALT + 2 + 1.
If nothing works at all, go to the control settings and see what hotkey your game requires in order to open the console. The buttons above are normally the default option (Depending on your keyboard), but there’s a chance that you accidentally changed the hotkey or something.
Most Popular Commands
These are the commands that most people look for in articles like this one as they are arguably the most useful out of the bunch. They can give you more manpower, money, prestige, and things like that.
cash [Amount] [Country tag]: Gives you the specified amount of money (Country tags are optional)
manpower [Amount] [Country tag]: Gives you more manpower (In thousands)
sailors [Amount] [Country tag]: Adds more sailors
prestige [Amount] [Country tag]: Adds prestige (If no amount is specified, then it’ll give 5)
legitimacy [Amount] [Country tag]: Sets the legitimacy of the current ruler
adm [Amount] [Country tag]: Gives you administrative power (Will give you 999 in case that no amount is specified)
dip [Amount] [Country tag]: Gives you diplomatic power points (999 if you don’t specify an amount)
mil [Amount] [Country tag]: Gives you military power points (999 if you don’t specify an amount)
yesman: Toggles diplomatic responses to “Always yes”. If you wish to turn it off, just execute the command again
fow: Disables or enables Fog of War
ti: Toggles terra incognita on or off
debug_mode: Displays information such as province ID, country tag, and border distance when placing your mouse over provinces
observe: Turns you into an observer who sees everything (But you’ll no longer control any country)
Eu4 Diplomatic Relations Slots
ti: Reveals the entire map
add_opinion [Country tag]: Improves relations with a country by 100
winwars: War Score is set to 100 in all wars
leader: Creates a military leader
admiral: Creates a naval leader
AI Related Commands
These are the commands that you can use to control the AI.
set_ai_personality: Sets personality for the specified AI (Ex. Capitalist)
set_ai_attitude: Gives the defined attitude to the specified AI (Ex. Friendly)
ai_army_tick: AI reevaluates all army movements
ai_minister: Enables or disables AI ministers
ai_plan_regions: AI Reevaluates all region assignments
ai(ai) [Country tag]: Enables or disables nations for the specified ID
aiinvalid: Print invalid AI command counts
aiview: Enables additional AI info
fast_colonize: Enables the fast colonize cheat which affects the AI as well
invasion_target [Province ID]: Force sets AI invasion target to the specified ID
nowar: Disables AI war declarations
yesman: AI always accepts
Country and Province Related Commands
These commands can be used to impact countries other than your own in various ways. Do keep in mind that you can use debug_mode in order to see country IDs.
tag: [Country tag]: Switches over to the specified country
die: [Country tag]: Kills the current ruler
add_heir [Country tag]: Adds a new heir to the country
Eu4 Diplomatic Relations Slot Definition
kill_heir [Country tag]: Kills the current country’s heir
annex [Country tag]: Begin annexation of the specified country
integrate [Country tag]: Begin integration of the specified country
vassalize [Country tag]: Vassalize the specified country
protectorate [Country tag]: Make a protectorate of a country
form_union [Country tag]: Turns you into a leader of union with the specified country
add_claim [Province ID]: Gives a claim to the Province
remove_claim [Province ID]: Removes the claim on the Province
add_core [Province ID]: Turns the specified Province into a core
remove_ core [Province ID]: Removes the core from the specified Province
own [Province ID]: Gives you ownership of the Province
control [Province ID]: Gives you control of a province
culture [Province ID]: Changes Province’s culture to your primary culture
setmissionaryprogress [Province ID]: Sets missionary progress to 98% (You can also set your own value)
revolt [Province ID]: Starts a revolt
pirate [Province ID]: Spawns pirates in that sea zone
population [Province ID]: Add 10 population to a colony (You can set your own value as well)
add_natives [Province ID] [Value] : Adds natives ini increments of 100
colonize [Province ID]: Colonizes a province
Multi-Use Commands/Events
Eu4 Diplomatic Relations Slot Machine
These commands can be used as many times as you’d like and are mostly useful for controlling other countries/provinces and your own as well.
Do keep in mind that maximum relations max out at +200 and decay at 2 per year. Other than that, you can repeat a command simply by pressing the “Arrow Up” button on your keyboard to bring the most recent command up and then hitting “Enter”.
event republics.7 [Country ID]: Adds 5 Republican Tradition
event 5099 [Country ID]: Add or subtract 2.5 Mercantilism
event 853 [Country ID]: Subtract 1 Inflation
event 860 [Country ID]: Subtract 2 War Exhaustion
event 5074 [Country ID]: Add 28 manpower
event 6015 [Country ID]: Add 1 Base Tax
event ideagroups.1205 [Country ID]: Subtract 1 Frecoty and Hostility from a random owned Colony with Natives
event 5056: Add 60 Eased Tension Opinion to every neighbor that you’re not at war with
event 5088: Add 50 Diplomatic Solution Opinion to a neighbor with less than 50 opinion

event 864: Add 30 Improved Relations Opinion to a neighbor with the same religion and no truce or an ongoing war
Eu4 Diplomatic Relations Slot Strategy
event 5096: Add 40 Accepted Bribe Opinion to a Holy Roman Empire Elector
event 9479: Change Government to Constitutional Monarchy
event flavor_mng.17: Change Government to Constitutional Monarchy
event republic.3: Changes Government to Despotic Monarchy
event republic.19: Changes Government to Revolutionary Republic
event westernisation.11: Changes Religion to Protestant
event westernisation.12: Changes Religion to Reformed
event westernisation.13: Changes Religion to Catholic
Single-Use Commands
These options can only be used once for their duration. Other than that, the same structure with the multi-use commands applies here as well.
event republics.14: Gives +1 Merchant or +15% Trade Power for 5 years
event ideagroups.907: Gives +10% Trade Steering for 5 years
event ideagroups.1306: Gives +5% Heavy Ship Power for 5 years
event ideagroups.1307: Gives +5 Light Ship Power for 5 years
event ideagroups.711: Gives +0.50 Land Morale for 5 years
event ideagroups.712: +5 Infantry Power for 5 years
event ideagroups.713: +5 Cavalry Power for 5 years
event ideagroups.1606: +1 Advisor Pool for 5 years
event 4027: +2 Missionary Strength for 6 years
event random_event.13: +1% Missionary Strength until the death of the ruler
event ideagroups.217: +2 Heretic and Heathen Tolerance for 5 years
event ideagroups.214: -2 Revolt Risk for 5 years
event 857: +10% Diplomatic Relations over time for 5 years
event 4030: +15% Spy in Offense and Defense for 6 years
Wrapping Up
As far as useful commands go, that’s about it for now. We obviously can’t mention every single available command as that would be quite a long, and most importantly, unreadable list.
Still, if you want to see more, check out our sources.