International Gambling Conference New Zealand

Press Release: ATEED
This is an important event in the national and international gambling calendar and I am pleased to note that it is my first official speaking engagement in New Zealand for 2016. GoToMeeting international conferencing is as simple as pushing a button. Host a conference call with teams and clients all around the world as clearly and as easily as if they were sitting on the other side of the conference table.
Just weeks into the new year, Auckland has securedanother significant conference for 2021, which will join analready impressive line-up of events that make up theblockbuster year, including the 36th America’s Cup andAPEC Leader’s Week.
TENCON is the premierinternational technical conference within the Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) fromAsia-Pacific.
TENCON 2021 will be held in Aucklandand is expected to attract more than 600 delegates, creating2,595 visitor nights and generating more than $1 million forAuckland’s economy.
This is the first time theannual conference, held for decades across various locationsin the Asia-Pacific region, is to be held in NewZealand.
The bid for the IEEE TENCON 2021 conferencewas won by Dr Nirmal Nair, from the Department ofElectrical, Computer, and Software Engineering at theUniversity of Auckland and Auckland Advocate Alliance memberfor the Auckland Convention Bureau.
This is thethird international conference he has won for Auckland inthe past five years.
Dr Nair says: “I am veryproud for Auckland to be able to bring in highlyaccomplished engineers, thought leaders and innovators fromacross the world and particularly Asia-Pacific region to NewZealand.”
International Gambling Conference New Zealand 2020
“It provides an opportunity toshowcase our recent innovations to attendees from world-overand warmly host as NZ inc, during this four-day conferencein December 2021.

“Attendees from New Zealand willbe able to participate by presenting their technologies andnetwork, with opportunities to develop relations and marketsfor their innovations and products.”
Theconference is expected to cover the themes of a low-carbonenergy future, future of space technologies, smart cities,and the future of work in world of AI/automation.

DrDelwyn Moller, former Jet Propulsion Laboratory engineer forNASA, University of Auckland Adjunct Professor and AucklandAdvocate Alliance member, will organise a themed workshop atthe conference based on remote sensing/spacetechnologies.
There will also be dedicated sessionsfor students, young professionals and women in engineering,as well as industry forums and innovation meetups regardingthe future direction of the IEEE Asia-PacificAssociation.

Anna Hayward, Head of AucklandConvention Bureau – which is part of Auckland Tourism,Events & Economic Development (ATEED) - says she’sexcited for Auckland to host such great scientific minds:“Auckland is an innovative and forward-thinking city, soit is always exciting to bring in these intellectualconferences, which I hope inspire our local talent.
“Auckland Convention Bureau is proud to be connectedwith such a dedicated advocate in Dr Nirmal Nair, and tohave assisted him in winning this bid.”
TourismNew Zealand’s Global Manager Business Events, LisaGardiner says the timing couldn’t be better to host thisconference in New Zealand.
“Having Aotearoa host aconference focussing on global hot topics like innovationfor a low carbon future, technology and AI isfantastic.
“The knowledge sharing that will occurbetween local and global experts at this event has thepotential to help positively shape New Zealand’sfuture.”
• Auckland Convention Bureau ispart of Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development(ATEED) – Auckland’s economic development agency, and anAuckland Council Controlled Organisation.
• TheAuckland Advocate Allianceworks to bring more business events –conferences, conventions, exhibitions, meeting and incentivetravel – to Auckland to exchange knowledge and ideas,build relationships and attract investment and talent to ourcity. The programme brings together influential thoughtleaders from multiple industries and communities who work topromote Auckland as an international destination forbusiness events. Launched in 2015, it is the first programmeof its kind in New Zealand.
• For more information onthe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,please visit their
International Gambling Conference New Zealand International
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